Wake Up and Take Control of Your Life.


[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]The term ‘stress’ refers to the response you have when facing circumstances that force you to act, change, or adjust in some way to maintain your footing, or to keep things balanced[/pullquote]








This is a fast moving world that we live in, where we want to fast forward our lives into overdrive and everything must be done Yesterday.

We abuse our bodies with processed food or on the other extreme; we feel the need to push our bodies beyond the limit through physical exercise. We bombard our minds with Facebook, text messages, twitter and Internet.

Believe it or not 62% of the population are stressed out!

What is Stress?

The term ‘stress’ refers to the response you have when facing circumstances that force you to act, change, or adjust in some way to maintain your footing, or to keep things balanced

Stress can manifest in many different forms

  • Muscle  tightness
  • Panic  attacks
  • Rapid  breathing
  • High  blood pressure
  • Sleepless  nights
  • Autoimmune  diseases – M.E, Fibromyalgia, I.B.S, Diabetes, Graves, + +
  • Allergy  and Asthma
  • Rheumatoid   arthritis
  • Poor  posture/ backache.
  • Lack  of self-confidence.


Stress management – The Yoga Way

Dating back over 5,000 years, Yoga is the oldest defined practice of self-development.  The word yoga means to unite therefore it encourages the body to work as one unit. There are many styles and intensities of yoga but Hatha yoga would be the style used in stress management.

  • Hatha yoga is a combination of gentle physical stretches, becoming aware of the tension in the body, and learning how to release this tension.
  • Controlled breathing techniques to allow more oxygen into the body bringing emotional stability and calmness.
  • Meditation and Yoga Nidra trains the body and mind to switch off completely therefore allowing the body to recover, rejuvenate and encourages a sense of well being.


At the Loft Yoga Studio, Clonlara Co.Clare, I will be running my first Stress management course commencing on Tuesday Oct 2nd at 8.30 pm The course will run for five weeks and is open to teenagers as well as both genders. Space is limited so it will be run on a first come basis.


Cost 50-euro. One Payment Only.

Paulette Egan 086 3183646









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