A Step In The Right Direction – Kids Yoga

Kids Yoga

A step in the right direction –  Kids Yoga

We know children take social cues from their parents so it is really important that your kids see you exercise regularly because starting this habit early could impact good health not only in childhood but in adulthood as well. Parents are busy prepping for the final leg of their training for Barrington’s Hospital Great Limerick Run You can set such a great example for your kids by taking part in sporting and fitness activities so why not introduce your children to kids yoga.

The UL Sport Children’s Run for Fun will take place on Saturday the 29th of April so while you are recovering from your run, why not let your kids run free in the wonderful grounds of UL.

This fun event is sponsored by UL Sport and is organised by Barringtons Hospital Great Limerick Run in conjunction with Limerick Sports Partnership and the HSE.

Kids Yoga


 Kids Yoga can have many benefits other than enhancing physical flexibility, it can refine balance and coordination, develop focus and concentration and in the fast-moving, technology packed modern world, can give them an opportunity to be mindful and strengthen their mind-body connection. Over the Easter holidays introduce your children to kids yoga and you can have fun together. You will still gain the benefit of that extra stretch.  Here are 5 poses that I would recommend  and you may be surprised at how much they enjoy taking part!

Tree Pose

Kids Yoga


Stand with your feet hip width apart, lift your arms and reach out to either side, like the branches of a tree, to help you balance. Lift one foot, turning your knee out to the side, and place your foot either below the knee of the standing leg or above it. Breathing slowly in and out, bring your arms up over your head and imagine yourself growing like a tree. Slowly lower your hands to your chest, place your foot down, and repeat on the other side.

Downward Dog

Kids Yoga

Start on your hands and knees, with your toes curled under. Breathe in, and, as you breathe out, lift your hips in the air, straightening your legs and pressing your heels toward the floor. Push your palms into the floor, with your fingertips facing forward. Look between your knees. Wag your tail, bark, lift one leg or the other. Be playful!

Plank Pose

Kids Yoga

Plank pose helps in strengthening and energising the whole body. Start in downward facing dog, lower down your torso while inhaling till it becomes parallel to the ground. Keep your arms perpendicular to the ground. Only your palms and toe fingers should be on the floor. Stay in this posture for a few seconds. Lower down your body and lie down to relax.

Plow Pose

Kids Yoga

Lie down on the floor while hugging your knees into your chest. Bring your arms along your sides, with your palms pressing down into the floor. Exhale and reach your legs over your head, until your toes are close to the ground behind your head. Never turn your head for the camera as seen above — always look straight up.

Child’s Pose

Kids Yoga

Child’s pose is a nice relaxing pose to finish your yoga session. From all-fours, come back to resting on your heels, with your arms stretched out in front of you and palms flat on the ground. Gently bring your forehead to rest on the ground in front of your knees and lay your chest on your thighs. Slowly bring your arms to rest back aῬongside your body. Stay in this resting posture for several breaths.

 Now that the kiddies are chilling, it’s time to regain your own focus. At this stage SportsYoga should be an essential part of your training and I am delighted to say that you can always look your best in our stylish and flattering yoga leggings which are designed by my daughter and I to ensure your modesty in every yoga pose. Treat yourself today. Shop on line at I-SPY.ie

I-SPY Leggings




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