Paulette Points To: Your Nose
Paulette Points To: YOUR NOSE.
Over the years I have received some funny reactions to the remark, breathe in through your nose . I may as well have asked them to breathe in through their ears !!
How many of you have actually thought about your nose and why it is placed in such a prominent place on your face.
We know that the nose is for smelling and smell is one of our five senses. We have established that it gives our face a shape, and that it grows into a bulbous object if we drink too much whiskey!
Time to wake up and smell the coffee, YOUR NOSE IS FOR BREATHING.
Paulette Points To: Nose breathing
Those two openings at the end of your nose are designed to allow the breath to enter the body slowly.
The air is filtered and warmed before it enters the lungs.
Nose breathing encourages the inhalation and the exhalation to be of equal length.
Nasal breathing can balance subtle energy at the space between the eyebrows hence better mental focus.
Nasal breathing has a knock on effect the central nervous system, allowing the body to remain calm.
HOWEVER, There are always exceptions to any rule !
If you are feeling under weather with the flu, just breathe to stay alive.
When you are embarking on your Yoga breathing journey, start slowly and just for a few minutes a day.
Most competitive sport encourage you to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Don’t dwell on your breathing pattern every moment of the day.
I would not recommend breathing out through the nose while swimming .
Cheers for now ,
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